Celebrating America through the 240 year history of the Army. The setting is perfect. A knoll at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall provides a panoramic view of the DC skyline. Brilliant colors of The Stars and Stripes wave perfectly against the cloud dotted sky. One after another units in historically accurate uniforms take their turn to tell the story of their role in major military eras/conflicts. Tunes played by the Army Band and cannon fire, both black powder-muzzle-loaded and modern battle guns, punctuate the performances.
The Old Guard amazes with Fife and Drum Corp and the beautiful cornet tattoo. The synchronized clicks, steps and bayonet
flashes of the Drill Corp are mesmerizing.
It’s a great fix of unabashed National Pride and a reminder of how much has been and continues to be sacrificed to keep our imperfect yet magnificent country safe.
As an added bonus, a good number of the well mannered, physically fit and fine postured men in spit polished and perfect dress uniforms mingled among the civilian spectators. They are pretty easy on the eyes!