Uneventful flights land us all in Baltimore as Wednesday nears its end. The travel gnomes continue to be kind; the rental car is ready, traffic is light, and the weather good. We make our way to York for a few days with family in York PA.
Much to everyone’s delight, Carol brought her wonderful assortment of Christmas cookies. We open presents. We eat. We catch up on lives that seem to fly by ever faster each year. There is near doggie disaster when an entire plate of cookies is consumed by one of the many furry family friends (no long term damage done, thankfully). It is a team effort to construct one of Bob’s gifts, an all cardboard pinball machine. Amazingly, it really works fairly well.
Family’s peel off and head home as work and other family gatherings beckon them. Once again I find myself a bit envious of those whose families live close together giving them the opportunity to share more in each others lives. Time with those I love, it really is priceless.