It is time to leave Wakami Lake. What a bummer. It is raining which is never a good time to pull the boat, break camp and load up for travel. This place brings back special memories and remains a very beautiful place. It is soo quiet here. The main interruptions are the 3-4 daily polar transcontinental flights and the occasional bush plane taking someone to a fly-in fishing lake. The loon count probably exceeded 25 this year up from only an occasional sighting 40 years ago. Many bald eagle sightings. Good job Ontario! We didn’t hear the wolves this year or see Northern lights, maybe next time. There was a bear around camp according to postings, although we didn’t see it. The mileage on the depth-finder/gps indicates we traveled 150 miles by boat during our stay. We avoided the big rainstorms through some quick trips back to camp. Fishing was good, catching could have been better. Wakami is a special place, experience it if you can.