I should have just signed up when we were there but I hesitated then chickened out. We are climbing around on a tour of an historically accurate replica of Columbus’s Nina. It is a beautiful “old” ship that travels around the US with a sister ship, a slightly scaled up Pinta. The first mate calls out, we are looking to replace our cook for the trip on down to Mobile for the winter. It is to be about a 3 week stint including one stop at Ashland KY. How bad a decision could that possibly be? I should do it! I’m going to do it! Let me think about it. They sail in two days. I should have signed up right then. With a bit more time to think I lost my courage. Next time!
They sail the loop next year: around Florida, up the east coast, through the St Lawrence Seaway, across the Great Lakes and back down the rivers to the Gulf. They are actually under sail in the open waters vs under power on the rivers. Hmm. ninapinta.org The Columbus Foundation