We are off to Ravine State Park in Palatka. A CCC work crew created formal garden areas and terraces and developed the spring areas that feed into a deep, steep sided, naturally occurring ravine. The ravine is itself a rarity in Florida but the park’s primary claim to fame is a brilliant rolling azalea bloom along the top ridge of this ravine. This winter cold weather has hampered all manner of early spring blooming but I need to see how the azalea have fared. Fuchsia, salmon pink and reds are beautiful. Some varieties sport huge blossoms and others the more familiar smaller flower. But sadly, we find that this is not the year for azalea in this part of Florida. We find only scattered patches in bloom. Many CCC “improvements” are being allowed to revert to natural state while suspension bridges and pavilions still provide lovely outdoor spaces for locals. The park is oversold on their webpage but it was still worth a visit.