The Bradbury Science Museum. It explains the birth of the town of Los Alamos. Originally the “Hill” and just a post office box for all inhabitants during the early nuclear research times in the 40s. They have exhibits and videos to chronicle the highly secretive early days. Pretty cool historical technical stuff. Still lots going on here even today as they are “stewards of the stockpiles’ of nuclear weapons. Kinda creepy to think about very long. A museum well worth the visit.
I wonder
I think it is amazing that they persuaded so many to live so secretively and to work on a project that they did not fully understand without asking questions. Could the US government get people to so blindly follow and contribute in the name of national security and world peace today? These were civilian and armed forces personnel. Is this happening now too on some big secret mission? Easy to get some sort of conspiracy and big brother thing going in ones head. There was a corner in the museum for the dissenters of today to make their statement as to whether they considered these early efforts patriotic or just plain wrong. Some interesting views posted there!