We are out on Palisades Creek Trail. The creek is roaring, we have had quite a bit of rain in the area the past week. It is a bit muddy underfoot and we are grateful to have the benefit of bridges at the various crossings along the way. Sometimes the water is right at our feet, others the trail is higher up slope along the bottom edge of soaring cliffs. Our goal today is lower Palisades Lake where we settle in along the boulder strewn shore to watch for critters after spotting a grouse on the trail. Chipmunks show up in mass begging for our lunch. Geese, common goldeneye and mallards are trailing their young around. We are very surprised to first hear then spot
pica busily gathering wildflowers and leaves for their den. Previously, we have only seen them at much higher elevation. This is moose territory too but none show their faces today.
On the way back down, I am on the lookout for the amazing American Dipper. It’s a cool, robin sized bird that actually swims entirely underwater in fast flowing water and catches bugs. There are many perfect looking spots in this creek and finally I spot one of the little guys resting on a root ball out in the stream. Yeah! Nine miles. We’re glad to get the boots off.
We are home chilling after dinner. The door is open. Out of the corner of my eye I spot movement. What?

Out the window
It is the hind legs of a young moose who is intently munching right outside the door. We get lots of pictures. Much of camp gets in on the watching but he/she is way more interested in eating than the people hanging around. What an ending to this day!