We strolled through Washington University campus . The approach to the admin buildings off Skinker and the quad they enclose are pretty much unchanged. The modernistic Olin library looks as much out of place among the red marble classic architecture as it always has. The chapel, some engineering halls, and the fine arts buildings look familiar but much else has changed. It is a sprawling campus now and much needed maps are posted all over the place. I think I liked it better a bit smaller.
Forest Park still makes for a fine neighbor for campus. It is a wonderful place just to walk and relax in the shade. The park includes the zoo.
It was a great place when in college too…it is free. We checked it out…loved the dirty polar bear and elephants. Check out the giraffe after the greener snack nearly out of reach!
One more carousel, this time with zoo critters of course. Check out the warthog!