We are now in the capable hands of Rolf, our bus driver for the ride to Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel in Yellowstone. He is fun and informative and great at pointing out wildlife along the route. We see mule deer and elk on hillsides. There is a paddock of bison – surplus over the parks 5000 animal carrying capacity. They are in brucellosis quarantine then will be off to new homes in other Parks and First Nations Reservations.
At Gardner we stop for a photo op under the Roosevelt Arch and at the Park entry sign
then its just a few miles to the hotel. Check in was a little unorganized but all is well. Constantly changing Covid driven staffing shortages are hitting them hard. Right now the most evident impact being that dining (the only dining this end of the park) is carry out only with the seating in our rooms or other public spaces found around the hotel. We shall see how that works out!
We check out the local thermal feature, the travertine terraces. It definitely looks different this time of year as steam swirls from snow circled pools. Colors are not quite as vivid but all still amazing to see.
Dinner turns out to be a bit of a disappointment. Even with an extra trip across the parking lot to the restaurant we never quite got the order right. Presentation was terrible with entrée and sides just sort of dumped into a big carryout box. Getting past the looks, my trout was delicious. Kent was not as fortunate. His pork loin dry, tough and cold. On the plus side, his chocolate caldera dessert, unceremoniously plopped in a paper cup, was great!
The real trip begins as we meet the 4 other couples who are to be in our touring group. They are actually all long-time friends and on this trip together. First blush we feel a bit of a 5th wheel but the group has a good vibe. It might well all work out – we shall see.
We meet our guide/teacher/Park ambassador, John. He will be sharing the Park with us for the next 4 days. What a great guy. Friendly, knowledgeable, flexible, and devoted to Yellowstone and all it represents. We are going to have fun.