Bizarre sounds rise up from the wetlands emanating from all manner of water fowl hidden among the foliage. Some groups chatter as they forage like friends chatting at a coffee shop. Some squawk and protest at intruders who wander into their territory. Others cluck or coo or whistle to let one another know their whereabouts. What an entertaining chorus as we relax along the shore.
Then it starts. Grrrrrr. Grrrr. From nowhere. A response from across the marsh. A ripple moves across from our right as a huge alligator glides into view. He stops and inhales a huge breath that expands his chest to double its size. The water around him begins to boil as the sound waves of his bellow, at a frequency too low for us to hear, began. Then the sound reaches us. Impressive! From banks near and far others answer his bellow. For maximum affect they slide into the water where the sound transmits better. There is a lot of growling and posturing but nobody seems too intimidated (except maybe me) and they all settle back into their sleepy eyed lounging.