An acrobatic elephant and a haunted house

At 6 in the morning low clouds hung over the open field.   People were milling around; some anxiously waiting for their names to be called and others, including us, sipping coffee and waiting for something to happen.   Weather delay…rats.  A change in launch location…double rats.  We had gotten up early to watch the Atlantic Balloon Fiesta in Sussex NB but the weather was just not cooperating.  Between the low ceiling and nearly still wind conditions the whole thing was looking pretty iffy.  Finally the weather broke just enough to give the go ahead.  They sent part of the group to another field so they had a chance of reaching landing sites with the still nearly calm winds.  We stayed to watch about 14 lift off near us.

Baskets appear out of trailers and within minutes burners roar at the ready.  Bright strips of fabric stretch out across the dewy grass.  Fan motors roar and one by one the balloons begin to take shape as the light billowy fabric inflates.  Burners ignite and the now weightless orbs pop upright over their baskets straining to be free.  Riders climb aboard and tethers are released.  They are off.

There was an elephant balloon.  The pachyderm stands on one front leg is a perfect circus pose.  The pilot’s basket looks miniscule beneath it.




There was a colossal haunted house balloon with bats and ghosts and pumpkins.






They all hovered today so we had wonderful views as the patterns and colors slowly rotated above us.  I am sure it was a bit of a nightmare for the pilots as they jockeyed for space and to find some current to be on their way.  For the spectator though, it was pretty magical.  Well worth the early start to the day.


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