It is all about wide open spaces. From a wind buffeted rock perch high above the campground we watched sunset and full moon
rising against the backdrop of the Sierra Del Carmen Mountains. Just as the orange faded, really big bats suddenly appeared circling above us. A bit creepy but cool. Darkness surrounded us then a soft glow lighted the very edge of the cliffs. We waited. Odd how one might get anxious awaiting a moon rise. It does this every day. Still, it was wonderful anticipation. A tiny peek of bright white appeared then it seemed to just pop up into the sky. The shimmery light threw long, sort of spooky, fun shadows. It was magnificent.
Blue iridescent spider eyes added a interesting twist to our walk back down the trail. They shimmered like sequins in the LED headlamp. They seemed to be everywhere. That was definitely TMI for me.