Category Archives: Picture
A four story pachyderm….Lucy
Some of the smaller burgs around Atlantic City have saved older tourist attractions. There’s no neon like at the Casinos and the shops are not nearly as glitzy but they are often much more interesting. The city of Margate saved one of those attractions; Lucy, a “building” shaped like a circus elephant. You can even go up inside of it for a view of the ocean. Now that’s something you don’t see just anywhere!
An ideal setting
A picture perfect fieldstone house on a rolling meadow along a peaceful stream. Split rail fences and fieldstone walls define the edges of the quiet country place. Foot thick walls and worn wooden steps stand as proud witness to great historic efforts. Regular people lived here. Military and political strategies were made here. The house was Washington’s headquarters the winter at Valley Forge. I wonder what will stand as witness of our times some 250 years from now.
Washington…they make him out to be the perfect leader
Capable, intelligent, determined, empathetic, eloquent, inspiring.
No much mention here of the hundreds of slaves he owned. I guess that wasn’t the point of this particular conflict.
They have a really cool statue of Washington here. He carries a cane, stands on a plow share and rests his hand on a Greek -inspired column engraved with thirteen ribs representing the colonies. Wonderful imagery for the soldier-statesman. Well done.
Picture of the Week
Picture of the Week
Plodding ever nearer…so cool
Alligator River refuge plants grain for their various inhabitants and it seems that black bears really love new green wheat. We were intently watching the field-to-forest edges to catch a glimpse of the bear we had heard were out there. Then we rounded the corner and there he came. A huge black bear. He had to be a yard or more tall and weigh several hundred pounds. He was sort of shuffling, sort of waddling right down the road toward us (we were in the car by the way). He was pretty heavy and seemed to tire, he actually just plopped down to rest a few before continuing. We waited, broadside in the road. He detoured a little to give that strange green thing in the road some room. He splashed through a couple water filled ditches not really slowing down. Nothing deterred him from that huge waving field of green. He sat with a plop right at the edge of the field and proceeded to eat his fill. Marvelous to watch.
Just give them some space…that’s all they need
Huge butterflies dancing along the shore
The kite boarders were out all along the sound side of the islands. Some kites hovered as the riders prepared to set off and others darted past one another at amazing speeds and close proximity. We watched a while and Kent even got an invite to give it a try from a 60s something guy who claimed, “We have guys in their 70s out there doing it”. He says it’s much easier to learn that wind surfing…..probably not on our list of to do things ….we will see. It looks like great fun, maybe on a slightly less crowed beach front.
Wilbur and Orville…..
It is indeed an amazing story of how far aviation has come since that first little hop-flight in 1903. The memorial is not too fancy but really well done. The working replica of their plane is in the visitor center and they gave a demonstration of how the innovated controls worked. One of my, “I didn’t know that moments”. The Wright Brothers real accomplishment was not getting a plane into the air, it was inventing and creating the controls to keep it there and guide it.
Another tidbit. A small piece of wood and fabric from the Wright brother’s plane went to the moon with Neil Armstrong. First flight to a walk on the surface of the moon in 66 years.