Local Brownsville businesses sponsor cabin sized houses that create a street down the center of Dean Porter Park. All are festively decorated for the season and many contain subtle indications of their decorator’s wry wit.
The local dentist sponsors a candy shop and the mannequin kids are in braces. In the bank, elves in bandit masks are escaping up the back wall with bags of money. There were elf legs on the shelf at the doctor’s office. Seems the creators have a good time with all this too.
There was quite a crowd at Dean Porter Park tonight. Some came to witness the lighting of the village houses. Some came to listen to local entertainment. The biggest attraction, free Krispy Krème donuts handed out from an official KK Airstream trailer. The line seemed endless. We didn’t have patience for the donut line but enjoyed the festive gathering (even though it was a bit too early…not even Thanksgiving yet).
I can think of a few campgrounds where it sure would have been nice to have that airstream as a neighbor