Life sized bronze sculptures confirm what you might have thought; it was a scary world for humans back then. It is hard to imagine sharing space with these gigantic creatures. Lubbock Lake National Monument site protects an area of ide
ally deposited, stratified soils that capture the artifacts and remains of 11,000 years of human habitation (and other creatures that shared their world). Unfortunately, digs are seasonal and were covered up while we were there so the actual site isn’t very exciting. The museum is well done though with exhibits that do a great job with the chronology from Clovis peoples to modern times.
A trail wanders through short grass prairie. It was a nice walk in the fall but must be amazing when spring wildflowers are in bloom.
Funny fact: the archeologists are actually a bit bummed that there has been some relief to the panhandle drought. Water is accumulating in the ancient lake bed and they have had to abandon active digs to areas on higher ground. Guess you can never please everyone!