We head early for the Wild Basin Trail head and a hike to Ouzel Falls. We are feeling ok after yesterday on the trail but opt for a lower altitude, flatter walk today. We spot elk along the way. Once we reach the trailhead we wind our way through thick forest along side a lively creek. It is a beautiful walk and we even spot an American Dipper
(Ouzel) the namesake of this trail. By late morning the trail is getting very busy. The forecast is for afternoon showers so we are off the trail by noon. It is clouding over but only occasional big drops so we head into town, Estes Park to check it out.
We stroll and window shop ducking under shop awnings when the rain is heaviest. We make a quick DQ stop then head for the car between the heaviest showers. It is getting pretty serious now. We start for home. There is thunder and lightening and lots of hail. It looks like snow in the fields and coats the road enough to leave tracks. Back at camp we find all is well. Now we have had our first experience of the afternoon storms everyone has been talking about.