Fun thoughts from our moon light walk

Everyman, from the beginning of time has gazed upon this exact same moon. Tonight, every person who looked up had at least that one thing in common with every other person on earth who just happened to look up.


Current science says: the moon is a gigantic splop of molten earth tossed up there by some huge impact millennia ago. The shapes and shadows on the moon’s surface are a result of its molten past as meteors cracked its cooling surface and created lava flows that now reflect as the splotches of the man in the moon’s face (or as some traditions say the shape of a rabbit – I don’t really see that one).  A full solar eclipse will be visible across much of the US in 2017.


What more could one ask for in a hike. It was techy with all the geology stuff and left one waxing philosophically about the oneness of all mankind as we spin around on this spaceship earth.  Nice.

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