First, we are off to Takakkaw Falls. It is the tallest falls in Western Canada, nearly 800 feet and it is running full today fed by silt laden glacier meltwater. It is beautiful. The access road has a section of steep switchbacks that larger vehicles actually have to back down a section to make the turns. Kent has flashbacks from our last trip out here and is once again grateful that we are in the car not the motorhome let alone the motorhome and trailer. We stroll and relax on a perfectly placed park bench.
It is peak tourist season here and lots of the natural attractions have very little parking so we hang out in camp a while waiting for crowds to thin out then head for Emerald Lake. Sunlight bouncing off the fine glacier flour suspended in the lake gives it a unique green grey color. Bare, rugged peaks rise high above the wooded shoreline. A loon calls out. It is not a north country lake without one! A leisurely lap around the lake is a great ending for the day.