I chatted with the host at TYTO wetlands in Ingham yesterday. It sounds like a great place to try and find some more unique Australian birds so we carve out a couple hours early this morning to see what we can find.
The wetland park is named for a grassland’s owl, The Tyto owl. We don’t see him but find quite a few others we have not yet seen. I am amazed to be greeted by kangaroos in this soggy area. I always thought of them as arid land critters. Not all subspecies apparently since these just take off splish splashing across the swamp when startled. Weird. It is a nice stop but really warming up by 9 in the morning.
So, we drive on. We will push mileage a bit today to get a good start on our drive south to Sydney. Can’t skip one stop though, The Frosty Mango. It has been recommended by everyone within 200 km as a can’t miss stop. Turns out it is a tropical fruit orchard that has even made it onto official maps—tells you how many attractions are along this stretch. It is a breakfast stop for us and well worth it: pancakes with mango ice cream and
mango puree syrup. I enjoy the flavors more than any other time I tried them – maybe perfectly ripe? Check out their mascot, Frosty Mango.
Tonight’s stop, Cape Hillsborough Nature tourist Park that is right against the National park. Kangaroos and wallabies come out on the beach every morning – I just have to see it!
A few of them are wandering around camp this evening.