More than mud tracks this time

Refuge road Last time

Refuge road Last time

We took the loop drive through Las Vegas NWR, Las Vegas NM.  Thankfully they have rebuilt the road since our last visit when we were hubcap deep in mud.  The drive was pretty quiet since most of the migrating waterfowl have moved on.

The elk were out though. First we heard them bugling then spotted a bull and his harem.  A band of noisy challengers was casing out the group looking for an opening to snatch some of the girls away.


The refuge is mostly open prairie so there are lots of hawks. I am still in the process of trying to identify exactly which species.


We go for a walk. The trail cuts through a seemingly endless rolling short grass prairie.  Ripe grasses moving in golden waves are dotted with tufts of nearly spent sunflowers and brilliant blues and whites of late season wildflowers.  The smell of Fall envelopes us (and makes us sneeze).  Hidden from view until we are nearly upon it is a narrow box canyon.  It is an amazing micro-climate that includes tall grasses, cat tails and cottonwood trees; completely different than the grassland path that led us here.  We spot mule deer and hear the drone of some pesky mosquitoes.

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