About 50 miles of curly paved road that included several sections of 12-13% grade. Then 15 miles or so of curly frost heaved road with a wait for a follower truck in the construction zone, they were paving! The last 5 miles was gravel, not awful but some wash-boardy spots. In all,Kent was pretty glad we were in the Miata not the motorhome.
The destination? A tiny village of 10 homes or so called Meat Cove. It is much more picturesque than its name might invoke. The locals maintain some trails for visitors so we took the high trail to the ridge above town. It was a great view of the cove and the other headlands up and down the coast. Bonus, we found wild blueberries up there. That was about it for Meat Cove.
We passed through Capstick (really just a few houses along the road) andBay St.Lawrence(a fishing town with many of the colorful boats tucked in their working harbor).
Wild life count for the day: two moose at FrenchLake. I think it was the mom and junior from yesterday. A fleeting glimpse of a bull near Benji Lake. Two eagles riding the last few thermals late in the day.