The Salmon River meanders, chocolaty brown between sharp edged banks and around low flat bars before it disappears around the bend out into Cabequid Bay to the Bay of Fundy. 20 or 30 people stand around waiting and watching. Splooshes randomly get our attention as sections of the unstable silt banks dry and collapse. Gulls and a few shore birds hang out in the still shallows. It is a tranquil scene.
The tidal bore appears. A wall of churning, silty, salt water is pushing upstream and creates a wall about a foot tall that spans the river. The bore moves at about 8 miles and hour they say and currents collide and rejoin creating transient patches of whitewater and calm as it passes. The event ends with the river 7 feet deeper and slowing upstream. We wandered on to check out other things but the process just maintained its rhythm…quiet tranquil river heading out to sea alternating with churning chocolate colored rapids carrying life and sediment far back upriver. We are going to check it out again tomorrow.