We joined the folks of Rockport, TX as they got a start to the Christmas Season. The park was filled with booths with all manner of craft and gifty things. Food trucks included shaved ice! Pirates entertained the crowd from atop their mighty schooner. Local businesses, churches and clubs went all out decorating lighted floats for the parade. An air conditioner festooned with lights scurried and spun down the street with only a head visible and no obvious means of propulsion.
Santa appeared in clam diggers, a T-shirt and flip flops perched atop a huge yellow ladder truck.
Seahorses, dolphin, and sailboats join the more traditional Christmas trees and angles adorning the light poles along the parade route.
Like many southern winter events, we ended the evening with fireworks. The twist here at Rockport, the light show was accompanied by a live carillon concert. Cast in Bronze; is a portable brass bell carillon played by a flamboyant character that appears in a costume reminiscent of Phantom of the Opera and has only big moves as he hammers the levers that sound the bells. It was a memorable evening.