Another 5 degrees or so warmer would be nice but it is just about perfect out on the lake. We meander the shoreline then glide across the smooth wide pool up by the dam. Canyon Lake is a beautiful body of water with lots of fingers to explore and nice access to the river. The only downside, it is too developed. Houses great and small and even greater line the shore and there are three large marinas housing hundreds of boats each. It has been pretty quiet this past week but it must be a zoo here in the busy season when all those guys hit the water. Thankfully the Corps of Engineers still manages a couple areas around ramps creating a few parklike oases among the development. The fishing wasn’t great, it is a little too far from sights like San Antonio and New Braunfels, and we prefer more rustic lake settings. We are glad to have explored it but it is not likely we will visit again.