I am sure that this is the longest line I have ever stood in. We arrived at about 11:45 and the gates open at noon. Lots of folks were already waiting.
New this year and not at all typical of fairs I have ever been to: full contact jousting. We checked out the demo just to see what it is all about. These guys get all suited up in clanky, shiny armor and ride some big war horses at one another. Lances splinter and pieces fly. It sure looks like real hits. I got to meet Max, short for Maximus, before the demo. That may have been the best part. He is a beautiful black Percheron that is ridden by the black knight.
Also unexpected but probably fitting for up here:
The lumberjack show complete with axe throwing, log rolling, pole climbing, cross saw competitions and chain saw contests.
Grilled halibut from the local native tribe’s food booth.
Hobo Jim with stories in song all about wild Alaska. Hobo is a pretty amazing guitar player.
Beyond that it looks a lot like Indiana’s state fair. There isn’t much big livestock but they judged all the other stuff, bunnies, chickens, veggies, flowers, baked goods, jelly and jam, clothing, quilts, pictures, art, and more. They have a wine, liqueur, and homebrew category. I don’t think Indiana ever had that. Carnival rides of course and all sorts of carnival food. We walked and watched and sampled yummy treats. It was a great day.