The Magpie and Michipicoten Rivers fall 100s of feet in their final approach to Lake Superior. Despite being harnessed for power hundreds of years ago, we checked out two beautiful falls that remain. We meandered on just a few more kilometers to the Lake Superior shoreline where rugged, boulder strewn, and cliffy coast is interspersed with areas of fine sand beach. We spent the day taking in the sights.
I waded in Superior …my toes nearly turned blue.
Travels to the trailheads took us through huge wild blueberry fields. Too bad they are all posted “no picking”. Sand hill cranes appear to have ignored those signs. They are happily munching away on those tasty morsels.
We got our fix today.
If you are in Canada ya gotta have Tim Horton’s
That is one BIG goose
We are greeted by the familiar giant goose that stands sentry just off 101 & 17 on the south end of Wawa, Ontario. The town is, as always it seems, raising money for the bird’s repair and maintenance. The one currently gracing the visitor center grounds is actually Goose II. The original 1960 bird now proudly perches at Young’s Mercantile (a fun stop of its own) and there are several other somewhat smaller versions scattered around town.
Dinner comes from Krazy Fries food truck. We sample their version of poutine with genuine Quebec cheese curds. It is delicious and about the same as the last one we sampled. It is odd how little hole in the wall places 100s of miles apart can duplicate that taste. Exactly what kind of gravy is this, I ponder? A later trip to the grocery may have answered that burning question; they sell poutine sauce (chicken gravy). I think it was better with the mystery.