Ok, not exactly what I expected but actually cooler. “Largest Kaleidoscope”, I am thinking a big telescope looking thingy that you hold and turn to get the shapes. Nope. This one actually resides in an old silo – yeah, big. We are “seated” in a viewing room. They turn down the lights. Accompanied by a great story reminding us that we, actually all things, are born of star dust; they animate the kaleidoscope so that shapes form, combine, disappear, and reform as a new image on the ceiling of the room. I loved it and found it hard to resist buying a more reasonably sized one to create the show for myself when the mood presents itself. The kaleidostore had stuff to buy of course and some cool exhibits. My favorite was a mirrored and decorated chamber that when you stick your head in the images seem to go on forever reflection in reflection in reflection. Amazing.
Catskills trails
We are awake before daylight with the plan to be out on the local pond as the sun comes up to do a bit of birding; but it is windy. Tree tops are swaying and even undergrowth is rustling in the nearly steady winds. It is a no-go on birding so we go for option two and hit some trails. First up, Kaaterskill Falls. It is the tallest falls in NY and with recent rain it is running pretty full. The view from the falls overlook entices us to go on down to the foot of the falls to take in the entire drop. It is a classic falls trail, steep with lots of steps. The view is well worth the hike. We shed our jackets and slow climb back up to continue along the main trail, the escarpment trail. You would think that a trail named after cliff edges would be fairly consistent elevation. Nope. It is pretty much always up or down, never flat ground and in typical northeast mountains trail style, there is lots of loose rock and dirt with boulders, roots and muddy patches mixed in. Trail guides promise great views so we journey on. A bare cliff edge comes into view and from rock ledges we see the valley stretch out below us on to the distant mountains. We are at stop two, Inspiration Point.
It is beautiful. A red-tailed hawk glides by and dots of color remind us again of the coming season change. We chill for a bit and take it all in then start back to the trailhead. It is just 3 miles out here but we haven’t put in many trail miles lately and want to be sure we are able to get out again tomorrow. A short route back gets us to the car with a total distance of 4.75 miles. It has been a great morning.
Out and about
Still rainy but that doesn’t stop us from a reprise of breakfast at the Phoenicia Diner. We both very much enjoyed the stop with all the kids back in July. Kent stays with the taco skillet and I try a ham breakfast sandwich. We are both happy with our selections. It is a bit too early for a bourbon milkshake but we might find our way back here at a more appropriate time before we leave the area! Next, we check out a section of the Catskills Scenic Byway. Splashes of orange and red dot the mountainsides as we get a look at some early signs of fall. It must be spectacular here in October. The creeks are running full. We are anxious to check out some waterfalls over the next couple days.
Slept in!
It is only about 8:30 but still feels decadent. It is spitting rain on and off. Kent fixes breakfast and we lounge around much of the day venturing out only for a quick trip to the Catskill Visitor Center. We climb the fire tower to take in cloud shrouded vistas of the surrounding mountains. A well informed and enthusiastic volunteer shares lots of information on recommended trails and other activities. They claim the world’s largest kaleidoscope…gotta see it. Then back to camp for a quiet evening. No cell phone reception, no TV, no power. It is easy to just relax and soak it all in. “Who cooks for you” call of barred owls drifts through camp as we settle off to bed.
And we are off…at least for a few weeks
It has been a full summer with house remodeling and time with Willa and Hazel as Mike and Tracy try to fit in their work schedules while Willa is off school for the summer and Hazel plays the typically demanding infant. It is a gift; rewarding, fulfilling and joyous, to be able to share in their lives. Beyond the everyday, we fit in a trip to the Fair, some hiking, concerts in the park, tried a few new restaurants, plus shared a week in July with Brian, Johnna and RJ.
Today is the day and at 3 in the afternoon we load up. Kent in the motorhome and I in the car we head out in a flurry of waves and shouted goodbyes from, and back to, the front porch at 18 1st Avenue. We are excited to get out on the road on our own for a bit; but still, tears well up in my eyes as we pull away. We will stop back for Hazel’s birthday in just a few weeks before we actually head out for the winter.
Today, stop 1 is less than an hour from Kingston at a quiet campground in Kenneth Wilson SP near lots of trails and some lovely Catskills scenic drives. Enroute, I stop to let several flocks of turkeys cross the road. Just as we settle in our site we are greeted by a handsome buck. Nice start to the wildlife viewing. Camp is nearly empty and the air filled with the sounds of the forest…and the occasionally passing car. We are still in NY after all!
Apple picking at Rose Hill
Cool weather is calling us to the orchards. A number of great apples are ready; Honey Crisp, Mc Intosh, Gala, and Jonagold but our first stop, the cider donut shack. They are warm and cinnamony with a crispy outside….sooooo good. To go picking Grandpa pulls a loaner wagon all over the place…
Willa gets to save her energy for actual picking. We fill a huge bag. Project one when we get home is apple pie!
There is cider too, fresh and hard versions and local wines. We do a little tasting while enjoying a lovely relaxing space on plush seating in the tasting barn. I would do this again.
Aerowood Distillary has a tasting table here. The gin is amazingly smooth. Can’t buy it here. We need to make it to their distillery one day soon.
It has been pretty warm and we walked a lot. Everyone is ready for a nap by the time we get home.
Summer in Kingston-Trips and Fun Times
Willa turned 4! Timing and venue availability resulted in three parties. First on the actual date: a pedal bike from Mom and Dad and a couple fun games. Next: a family gathering at home with cupcakes and plenty of gifts. Then: the party with schoolmates at her gymnastics club. Lots more presents and a fun dump truck cake (yep, I baked and decorated it). Fun for all.
Tracy turned 30 something and Mike 30 something more. The big 40 is creeping up on them. Small gatherings but lots of well wishes.
The Ulster County Fair was a big hit. Willa, Grandpa, Nana, and Aunt Carol hit what must have been the hottest day. We nearly melted but still managed to ride nearly every Willa sized ride, checked out the animals and ate some totally non-healthy fair food. Willa even won at a game of chance…a foam sword at a fishing game.
Kent and I headed to Boston for the 4th. Fireworks and the Pops have been on my bucket list for years. We stayed in town so no traffic worries and some time to stroll the commons and botanical gardens and catch a quiet dinner at The Salty Girl. If you get a chance to try lobster waffles do it! We didn’t ride them but saw the famous swan boasts in the garden. I never knew they are pedal powered. Fireworks were spectacular and I enjoyed the Pops when they played but was disappointed to learn that most of the fireworks’ accompaniment is actually pre-recorded, not live symphony. Super bonus, we found and I rode two carousels. One in the Commons at the Frog Pond and the other near Quincy market. Overall, it was a fun trip.
Brain Johnna and RJ spent a week for us all to hang out together. We rode the rails with Rail Explorers (bicycle powered four seated railcars), lunched at the Phoenicia Diner, checked out some local music at Opus 40, visited Kingston Point beach, took a dip in Big Deep the local swimming hole and just hung out.
York PA. Willa was ecstatic to see Harlow. It was a great time for all to catch up.
Kingston Soapbox Derby. No speed records set but the cars were fantastic; space ships, a sea going ship, a “lava you” cake/volcano, a three-seater caterpillar, a flower covered entry and more. Willa wants to run in it next year. She is going to tell Daddy “To build a caterpillar, so she and her friends can be in it”.
NYC here we come. Time for Women’s Weekend Film Challenge in New York. First there was prep; Mike, Tracy and Hazel headed into the city for 10 days. We got some Willa time both at their place in Kingston and a week at Sylvan. Willa got to try out a new big girl bed in the motorhome. A great time was had by all…lots of lake time – it was 90s+ most days, hikes at Pawling Preserve and to Nuclear lake including a cooling mid-hike swim – ogres and trolls abound, chalk hill creations, and craft time. Then it was WWFC Premiere time. Mike and Tracy took Willa into the city for some quality Mom, Dad, and big sister time after which she went home with Grammie and PopPop. She was exposed to Covid during her time in the city and came home from Grammie and PopPop’s under quarantine. Luckily she and they had mild cases. We kept Hazel first in Kingston then at the hotel (minus a couple hours covered by a great babysitter, Gabby) in NYC then again in Kingston. It went amazingly well. We got absolutely nothing else done besides grandparenting but we’d do it again any time. Aside, we managed a dinner stop at Katz Deli while in the city. Yum
2022 Summer in Kingston Highlights-Renovations
Work this summer focused on the newly vacated apartment, the first floor bath and the kitchen.
Apartment work is mostly fix-up and some work to absorb the previously rented out space into the kids living space. Work included changing the locks, repairing the inside bedroom and bath doors and window latches, replacing the stove, light fixture repair and a thorough cleaning.
The first-floor bath was a complete gut and redo. It started with lots of hammering and chisel work to tear out drywall/plaster and old tile. There was plenty of dirty work for everyone who cared to get some swings in. Lots of clean up, wiring work, then insulation followed by the finish work: ceramic tile floor, wainscoting, new and relocated vanity and sink, new lights, fan and a radiant heat panel. Wall color is a muted grey blue with a rich dark blue wainscoting. All agree, it looks great.
Kitchen renovations were limited as we ran out of time. We did manage to reorient the island square with the other appliances. Tracy has been looking forward to that since the day they moved in. It does make for a roomier feel with two or even 3 cooks in the kitchen possible. The floor got a cool paint job. That was lynn’s job. She sanded, scraped, and cleaned all the gaps (it is original plank subfloor). Filled gaps with epoxy and re-sanded. Painted an amazingly good looking 2ft square pattern in a diagonal from the living room entrance. It was definitely more work than anticipated but it came out great. Now we will see how it holds up. Countertops will wait for another time.
On to Kingston
I head back to TN and pick up the rig then on to WV to catch up with family.
Had a good visit with Wayne and Aunt Doris. Dementia continues to make life a struggle for Doris and family. It would claim her in June. I also enjoyed time with Aunt Arlene, Charlotte, Marilyn & Mark, Lisa, Mary & John as well as Aunt Louease and her oldest Mike who was visiting from Virginia.
There was a minor equipment problem. As I unhooked from the trailer in Pt Pleasant, I noted the hitch ball was no longer tight and had worn the bar so tightening was not feasible. Luckily the part I needed was readily available at Tractor Supply.
Had a scrumptious Easter dinner Bill and Cyndi Gibbs, we shared travel tips, discussed their upcoming Ireland United Kingdom trip and the possibility of a high school class reunion. We will see if interest develops in a reunion.
Checked the forecast prior to my departure for PA and found 8-10 inches of snow forecast for I-68 in the mountains of MD, so I delayed departure by 1 day and watched on traffic cameras as tow trucks pulled tractor trailers up the mountains. Good choice.
Travel to PA then on to NY
In PA my stay was at Codorus State Park. The Garmin sent me to the office parking lot, which was a bit of a challenge getting turned around. I met the ranger, who later stopped by camp to check in.
Guardhouse ranger very helpful, had me drive to site and unload near site since it was a mile to the front parking lot. Called a campground host to help me back in the overflow parking lot.
Travel on to NY was uneventful with the trailer drop-off at storage in Kingston going without a hitch. Stopped by Mike and Tracy’s house and picked up Lynn for the trailer drop and car unload. She is much better at getting into and out of the car in the trailer than I am. Took the motorhome back south to Sylvan Lake for a few days prior to moving to Mike’s driveway for a while over the summer. We will be staying in their basement apartment while we help with the continuing renovations.
Trip to Louisville
We want to work in a stop in Louisville on the way to New York. The best travel option has us leave the rig in TN and drive a side-trip by car for a few days. We visited then Lynn caught a flight from there to NY to help with Willa and Hazel. Traveling through TN we hit snow sticking to the road on I-75. Even though traffic was pretty heavy everyone just gradually slowed and we continued north for the few miles. It was kind of humorous at the next rest area to see the baggage shuffle as the Spring Breakers returning from Florida dug for the long northern clothes to replace the shorts and sandals they were wearing. Had a good visit with Tammy and family and Peg, Deb, and Ron, Becky and Mark. It was good to catch up after a couple of years of Covid separation