Both houses are filling up as the TX family, groceries, gifts and luggage arrive. Air travel went smoother than anticipated for Brian, Johnna and Brianna as did their drive from the airport (fortunately snow that was forecast did not materialize). We have all claimed our territory at the house and the kids are settling in. Kent and I sneak off to Hazel-sit and observe as Mike, Tracy and Willa give ice skating a try. It is kids’ afterschool session at a seasonal outdoor rink by Rondout Creek. There is a fair amount of trepidation early on and practicing how to fall and how to get up are integral to the experience; but everyone ultimately agrees it was a fun afternoon and worthy of another try. Hot chocolate helps solidify that sentiment. We head home to warm up.
Hello Kingston!
First stop, a quick hello to Mike, Tracy, Willa and Hazel. I think Willa has grown 2 inches in the 7 weeks we have been gone. Hazel’s personality is blossoming. It is going to be a fun visit. It is nap time and Kent and I head to the Vrbo house that will be home for five of us; Brian, Johnna, Brianna, Kent and I for the next week. It is just a block down the street from the kids so super convenient and it gives us some extra space since we are 9 now ranging two months to well, oldish! The place looks as promised and while kinda small, just fine for our stay. We pick our room and settle in. There is a big grocery run in the morning to stock up both houses before our TX family arrives in the PM. This evening we head back to the Kid’s house for dinner and some play time before we crash to rest up for a busy week.
15 hours!
Ack! What was to have been an already taxing 13-hour drive day has stretched into a nearly intolerable 15 hours. Traffic is heavy and it has rained for most of the way. Kent has done all the heavy lifting as I have driven only a couple hours but we are both past ready to be there, anywhere! The upside, we are on the way to New York to see kids and grandbabies with a stop in PA to pick up a sampling of Carol’s great Christmas cookies. We can power through the travel.
We crash at The Wasik bed and breakfast where the quick overnight includes cookies and Irish coffee and a cozy warm bed. A 5 star stop! We head out after a pancake breakfast, thanks Bday boy, with dozens of cookies – chocolate chip of course, date pinwheels, figgies, pnut blossoms, fudge, Florentines, and adorable gingerbread people (can’t wait to see if Willa can identify herself in that collection). Thanks Carol, for the delicious addition to the family get together. You outdid yourself.
Salt Spring Manatee Quest
The winds are calm and the lake glass-smooth, a great day to head to the far bank and up Salt Spring Run in search of manatees. Spring water is 74F year-round making it a favorite spot for manatees when Lake George waters cool in the winter. We have seen them in large numbers on previous visits but an unusually warm December might be delaying their movement to the spring. We shall see.
After a smooth sprint across the lake, we make the 4.5 mile trip up the spring at an idle with lots of time for wildlife watching. At the spring basin we float in silence peering into the crystal-clear water and listening for the sneeze-like outburst of a manatee surfacing to breathe. Nothing. It is a bit disappointing but just means we will have to come this way again after winter actually arrives in Florida.
We turn to leave but are brought to a stop by a wild flurry of beeps from the fish finder. We drop a line at the edge of the basin and before long are pulling out long, slender silver and black fish. Turns out we found a school of the same fish we have been watching since we first got out on the lake as they swirl at the surface and often leap clear out of the water. (Google says they are mullet.) We catch and release for a bit then head home. The sky is darkening and there is rain in the forecast.
Watching birds and drowning worms
Out in the boat is a spectacular way to bird watch. Brown pelicans, egrets, and great herons make regular appearances at the dock and occasionally on the boats while in the slips. Fortunately, all they have left behind in ours so far are sandy footprints. Bald Eagles chip and hawks scream as they swoop and soar overhead vying with the vultures for the best perches. Pileated woodpeckers laugh and rat-tat in the towering pines. Anhinga seem to congregate along the far shore and fill the air with their distinct growly squawk when disturbed. Cormorants perch and terns chirp at one another as they swoop and splash plucking unsuspecting fishies from the surface hardly slowing down in the process.
Fishing is a little slow. We are out today for the second time. Artificial bait was a complete washout our last outing so we brought live worms this time. It is in the 70s with overcast skies breaking to bright sun by mid-day; about perfect to be out. We catch and release a handful of pan fish. Nothing to brag about but combined with the great weather and fun birding we declare it a good day out on the water.
Small town Christmas with a Florida spin
Small town Christmas celebrations are a blast.
We decide to take in the Welaka Holiday Parade to get into the spirit of things. It is a pretty cool start, a fly over by four single engine air craft in formation. There are fire trucks, antique cars, local politicians, a high school band, horses, and A LOT of decorated golf carts. Christmas with a decidedly beachy/tropical flare. Santa makes the requisite appearance as does Smokey the Bear on the forestry fire vehicle. Great fun.
October 2019
That is the last time had the boat in the water. Today, it goes into Lake George. Thankfully there are few spectators as we launch. The ramp here in camp is pretty rough and we are a bit out of practice. We nearly forget to release the bow straps then are baffled that the boat won’t float free even well down the ramp. We did forget to release the stern tie downs! The whole mess, boat, trailer and all are floating over the ramp. Oops. We float it back center, pull it out and try again. All is well. Kent takes it for a spin to be sure all runs well then expertly maneuvers into our slip, just like riding a bike. I guess you never forget how. We are safely settled in.
Family Time!
Catching up. Sharing great food. Celebrating 41 with Brian. Movies; scary ones, funny ones and Holiday classics. Hanging out.
Plus, we get a start on Holiday festivities. There is a reprise of the Zoo Lights where Brain popped the question back in 2014. We have a perfect evening with a spectacular light show plus hot chocolate and a carousel ride. Next, a parade of storage bins comes in from the garage delivering the tree, more ornaments than one can count, and all manner Christmas what nots that find their home throughout the house. It is certainly beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!
Texas bound
We are heading to Houston to celebrate Thanksgiving (and Brian’s birthday) with Brian, Johnna and Brianna; our very-soon-to-be Texas grand-daughter. We are on the road by 8AM as planned and make our way as far as Pascagoula MS without incident. Check out this adorable towel creature we found on our bed when we checked in for the night.
Day 2 of the drive. Traffic is picking up. Road construction areas first in Louisiana and on into Texas are causing slowdowns. Yuck. We get a break in Houston though. The drive around town is smooth and uneventful. Yeah! We made it and are settled in at the kids.
Trails through the pines
Welaka State Forest runs along the lake and river shorelines just a few miles from camp. It is crisscrossed with trails and forest roads. Temperatures are in the 70s so we take in a nice easy walk with quiet stops along the lakeshore and even a little wildlife to enjoy.