This morning I head off toward NY with a couple of stops along the way in Dallas to visit with Curtis and Cindy and in Louisville to visit with Tammy. Traffic through Houston was good with only 1 slowdown on the ramp to I-45. Then a short delay just south of Dallas for some construction. When I arrived a camp, I noticed hot front brakes so it looks like I will be delayed for a while awaiting a service appointment. Bummers
San Bernard NWR summary
Temperatures and humidity are rising as is the mosquito count. Daytime highs in the 80’s with nighttime lows around 70. Mosquitoes are really blooming and downright miserable so it is time to head north. So much for the thought that a good freeze would reduce the number of mosquitoes. If February’s freeze did not do it, nothing will. Covid measures modified and reduced interactions with staff and between volunteers. We had to schedule separate times for the community cabin and sanitize between each use. Even still time was by all measures very productive. Same great staff and a volunteer couple from last year and a new volunteer couple Bob and Janis. I worked most closely with Bob a very talented and hard-working gentleman
who made the time here enjoyable and productive. They kinda looked after me while Lynn was in NY, checking on me after vaccinations and during inclement weather. And there was the delicious meal or treat from time to time to save me from my own cooking. Hopefully, our paths will cross again.
Project 9 Parking lot fencing Little Slough Trail
We received quite a surprise this morning. Seems we are being sent to help with a project of the regional office. We were specifically tasked with installing a fence around the parking area. Other improvements are slated to begin next week adding public access features around the slough. Turns out you can get a tractor to the regional office via trails through the refuge. Takes about an hour but is much safer than traveling on the open highways of Texas.
Project 8 Parking lot Dow Woods Unit
With continued residential growth in the area this unit is seeing outstanding usage. The parking area is often full and visitors are turned away due to overcrowding. The answer, an expansion of the parking area. New fencing around parking lot then gravel for parking lot repair and expansion. The parking capacity went from 5 to 18 cars.
Rut repair
A side project was to repair large ruts along the sidewalk left recently when the fire department effected a rescue of a disoriented individual high on drugs along the trail. The FD tried to drive to the location and became mired in soft ground prior to completing the rescue with other equipment.
Project 7 San Bernard Oak Kiosk
We were also tasked with a smaller simpler kiosk for a trail to a noteworthy Live Oak tree located here on the refuge. I was quicker to build, required fewer materials and provides more than adequate space for the trail specific information display needed. Another problem was addressed by adding posts to restrain cars to the parking area and away from the trail.
San Bernard Oak Sign Project 6
Moving a sign would not seem like much of a task but, with the soil and dampness here any earthwork requires additional effort. The first task was to clear an area near the driveway to place the sign. Remove one 8” diameter tree and a great deal of brush, thank heavens for the “Billy Goat” mower, to provide access to the area and facilitate vision of the sign. We successfully found materials to replace the uprights since the existing ones were badly eaten by ants. Wrapped up this one and dug the holes for project 7(new San Bernard Oak Kiosk) by end of the day Thursday. Pretty productive week.
Auto Trail Kiosk Project 5
After favorable reviews of the Bobcat Trail Kiosk, we were tasked with a second Kiosk at the entrance of the Refuge Public contact area. Lumber and materials arrived Monday 3/8. Completion of the 2nd Kiosk was quicker, noon on Wednesday 3/10. Weather has been ideal for outdoor construction. We were wrapping up cords and cleaning the area when the refuge manager stopped by to check on progress. Very complimentary on the outcome and status. Maybe we need to mess something up because we were tasked with a 3rd kiosk on the spot. A smaller version at the San Bernard Oak trail, but first could we relocate an existing sign closer the road.
Project 4 Bobcat Woods Kiosk

Awaiting new information signs and maps
It is time to work on a Kiosk. The information kiosk for the Bobcat Woods trail is in disrepair and was built with enclosed spaces. It has also become the home of a least bees, a snake and fire ants. After sharing a picture of one from Aransas, I was tasked with building of a similar model here with no enclosed spaces. Materials were specified and work started on 2/23 but was interrupted when the dumpster arrived for clean-up of boardwalk scrap. The boardwalk scrap is keeping a popular hiking attraction closed to visitors. The kiosk area was left safe for visitors, although it currently has no informative signs. Back at it on Monday March 1. Good progress and should finish with another full day. Dumpster is empty so, Kiosk will have to wait until Wednesday. Kiosk finished on Wednesday.
Project 3 Update 2
Boardwalk scrap removal started out well. With a little ingenuity we were able to transport loads of scrap right into the dumpster, little hand work. Moving right along and half done with the 1st dumpster by 9:30. Oops, we have a flat tire on the tractor. Had to know with all the old boards and nails we would find one sooner or later. Luckily it was on the front(smaller tires). Quick trip to shop for proper tools, then to town, tire repaired, back in business by lunchtime. Dumpster full before the end of the day.
Other things to do`
With plumbing fittings and dumpsters not available due to the severe weather, we moved on to another task. Seems there are trees blocking some trails at the Hudson Woods unit. Bob and I traveled all the trails within the unit and found 5 trees blocking or partially blocking trails. 1st priority was to remove the trees and reopen the trails. Then we returned to complete trimming the trails to facilitate hiking and mowing. Things grow so fast here the trails seem to close up within a couple of years. They have an “invasive” orange plant with 2 inch+ thorns that makes greenbriers and dewberry seem like a mild distraction.