We are up at 6AM again. It is even cooler at the low elevation of camp and we have a little trepidation as to whether it will be too cold some 3000 feet higher up in the Chisos Mountains. We soldier on, sweatshirts and all. The low hits 34F on the car thermometer. Amazing, given afternoon highs we have been seeing and we briefly question whether we have brought enough clothes. Two beautiful mule deer buck appear along the roadside sporting spectacular antlers. We motor on a little disappointed by the heavy haze again this morning but hoping things will clear out. The Chisos Mountain island in the desert is pretty amazing and we are determined to check it out.
The final leg of the drive is a steep switchback decent into a basin ringed by rugged mountains. It is hard to believe we have just minutes ago been in desert. The view is fantastic and we are pleasantly surprised to find the temperature in the mid 60s. Very weird but perfect for a little hiking. We check out The Window’s View Trail first
. A nice walk in a lovely place but haze dulls the signature view down into the valley. We take the Basin Loop trail just to spend a little more time among the mountains and are rewarded with clearing skies and a great look at a mama
black bear and her two cubs. This trail is just under two miles, pretty steep and rocky in places, and at 5000+ feet elevation. Kudos to our lowlanders/flatlanders for making the journey. It is a great morning.
Back down off the mountains we make our way across the desert for a quiet picnic lunch along the River.
It has been a great day and still to do? Celebrate Brian’s 40th birthday. Kent grills some amazing steaks, there is a kazoo serenade and an impressive bonfire of a cake. Brian’s cake baking efforts are pretty successful.
Chocolate cake with chocolate icing and even “ice cream” demonstrate that one can celebrate with nearly classic trappings even with no (well very few) carbs. It was great to celebrate with him.