Grandpa and Nana are getting the hang of having a two-year-old (very soon to be) in the house. We seem to be settling into stays of three overnights a week. She’s seems to be getting pretty comfortable here too. We cook and stroll and paint and continue to fit in some more hiking; and now that it is warming up, some fun water play. We have deep conversations about pretend dinosaur pets and jungle animals like hippopotamus that live in the forest around camp. She is getting pretty talkative with a rapidly expanding vocabulary. Delightful – well, except when the strong willed two-year-old emerges. I love it.
Memorial Day amid Covid-19
New York state is just emerging from strict stay at home and social distancing mandates and we are trying very hard to follow guidance so we won’t bring anything home to the rest of the family. Folks are pretty antsy to get out of the house so trails and other park locations will surely be crowded. As a result, we are staying “in” for the Holiday weekend. There are no parades or other celebrations anyway so not much to miss out on! We grill dogs and sausages and enjoy some lovely weather. Kent joined the tribute, “Taps Across America” at 3PM. It was beautiful and amazingly moving. It is a crazy time in American politics; throw in this virus mess and it is good to have a reminder that we have many to thank and much to be grateful for.
A black bear!
It is another great morning and time to get out on a trail. Today we head for The Pawling Reserve just a few miles from our previous hike. Parking at the trailhead is completely empty, hooray! Preserve trails are a bit muddy with lots of up and down as we cross ridges but it is a beautifully peaceful hike. We are on the watch for deer as the preserve claims a problem with severe overpopulation but nary a one. Instead, as we sit for a quick drink break a big black bear lumbers out of the trees down the slope in front of us. He is chill, just passing through. When he encounters the trail, he must determine it is easier going and stays on it. In only a few moments that will bring him within 6 feet of us. We watch quietly with bear spray in hand; but, when he reaches the turn in the trail closest to us, we speak, “hey bear”. He glances our way then veers off the trail about 15 feet for long enough to stay clear of those pesky humans then returns to the trail and ambles on. Such a well-behaved guy. Love it!
Straight line distance this fantastic bear sighting is just 1 ½ miles from where we hiked with Willa. It is probably good she was not here today but she has seen black bears when with us before and been curious not afraid. It has typically elicited “woof, woof”. That would probably have worked to divert this bear as well as “hey bear”.
We opt to return to the trailhead via a section of the Appalachian Trail. It is not muddy but that is because it is rocky with nearly continuous rugged climbs and descents. Low spots do sometimes include a bit of rock hopping across streams. There is thick undergrowth so we do a bit of talking to the bears to avoid any surprises. Only mini bears (squirrels and chipmunks) for the duration of the trip. It is a fun day and at just over three miles not too taxing.
Oh, yeah. Lunch is empanadas from the food truck. The beef and black bean and buffalo chicken are both fantastic.
Cookie day
The kids are planning this zoom birthday party for Willa. To bring everyone just a little closer the plan is to send theme decorated cookies to each participating household so everyone has a coordinated treat. Today, we bake cookies. Dale has graciously offered up her kitchen for this adventure. We arrive bright and early and the baking begins. Today’s output, sugar cookies with a hint of orange rolled and cut into octopus, shark, sea turtle and seahorse shapes then iced bright colors. I had estimated 3 hours to complete. Would you believe 6 hours even with a ton of Kent’s help? They look pretty cool though. Those hand-made cookie cutters worked perfectly. There is some elaborate packing planned then it is in the hands of the USPS to get then there is one piece. Here is hoping!
Emergency bail out
I ordered sea creature cookie cutters for birthday party treats but delivery date is now May 26. Ack, impossibly late. I guess I can freehand cut shapes? Maybe make a stencil and try to find spray food coloring and stencil on round cookies? Kent helps scour the possible local stores that might have the needed cutters. No luck. We find nothing local that wouldn’t have the same shipping issue. A quick run to the hardware store for strapping and a few hours with needle nose and wire ties and ta-dah, Kent produces these fantastic cutters. Way to come through, Grandpa!
Willa on the Appalachian Trail
Today is the day, we hit the trail with Willa. It is a perfect bright, sunny, cool morning so we pack up and head for the trailhead. At 2 miles spanning about 2 ½ hours this adventure is a hit with our newest hiker. There is a fair amount of Grandpa s
houlder time and our pace is not impressive but there is exploring, relaxing in the sun, and even a picnic lunch. We collect seeds, climb on “really big” rocks, peak through the boardwalk to watch water flow by, toss leaves and sticks into the creek, and spot birds and a cool frog (with the help of another hiker who pointed it out to all of us). The photo gallery for today even includes documentation of fresh air potty time. We trek back to the car tired but happy. Just wonderful.
Trail – take two
We get a sunny Friday and head out to try a boardwalk section of the Appalachian Trail that runs along the Swamp River and its wetland. This is a trail that was just too busy back on Mother’s Day. The boardwalk winds through tall cat tails with red winged black birds, orioles and sparrows chattering everywhere. Once across the river we enter a woodland area just alive with birdsong. It is a mostly level walk the first mile then climbs to a meadow. It is relaxing and pretty good birding plus it looks like we have found a great trail to introduce Willa to hiking with us. We are pleasantly surprised to find a food truck in the trailhead lot when we emerge. A pastrami Rueben and philly steak provide considerably more calories than we burned today but they are delicious.
Birthday coming up
Willa will soon be two. I have been given the honor of baking birthday cake so I am trying recipes for taste testing by all interested parties. There are cookies involved too for the zoom party (crumby Covid-19) so I am working on those recipes and decorating too. I think we have found winners for them all but the decision isn’t final until the tasting is done!
Grandpa is working on a present too. Shhh, it is a secret.
Woohoo, another sleep over
This Grandpa and Nana thing is alright. It looks like overnights might be the best fit for everyone’s schedules right now and it is great fun for all of us. It is 7:30AM and we scoop up Willa and the requisite plunder for another sleepover. There is lots of walking and coloring and Willa really gets into finger painting and makes her Mommy a Mother’s Day card. Mike and Tracy join us for one night to celebrate Mother’s Day…yeah I get two celebrations and two fantastic breakfasts. Mike prepared delicious pumpkin spice waffles and they bring a lovely Cosmos plant – hope I can keep it alive! The kids head home mid day leaving Willa to spend one more night with us. Perfect
It is a birder thing
It is Mother’s Day and we are out for a swamp walk. Conservation areas and refuges dot a long, wet section of the Hudson Valley and provide perfect habitat for all sorts of birds. Cool air and a warm sun make for perfect trekking weather. We find a short meadow trail with nearly no foot traffic and a nice smattering of birds. The day is young so we try two other wooded areas but parking lots are full and there is way too much foot traffic. We are still supposed to be social distancing after all. We head back home with the plan to try the other trails on a weekday hoping to have a little more peaceful stroll.
The Day includes calls from both boys and breakfast by Kent. Actually, breakfast and dinner by Kent. We discover a local Greek place and check out the menu. We know exactly what we want. It is to be carry out of course. Except, they are closed! Kent gets roped into another meal.