I could have touched it

Well it seemed like it! 

It is windy and pretty cold but we are fortunate that our dining room window provides a panoramic view to the east with a perfect view of the super wolf blood moon as it climbs above the horizon.  It is enormous and the light low on the horizon floods the landscape throwing stark shadows that create eerie images in this night light.  It is beautiful.  Stars are washed out against the moon lit sky, for now.  We are in and out all evening as we venture out to soak in the view and retreat to our dining room perch to warm and watch the eclipse unfold.  

It starts as a flat on the bottom of the sphere, cool but not too impressive yet. The shadow progresses.  Ever more stars pop into view as the sky continues to darken.  As the last twinkle of moon is about to disappear the inky black sky is carpeted with millions of stars.  It is so “busy” that it is hard to pick out familiar constellations.  (Not the big dipper though.  Hi, Mom!).  We even get a bit of a look at the milky way.  At full eclipse it seems like I could pluck that yellow-orange orb right out of the inky black sky.

Seminole Canyon turned out to be a great place to experience the eclipse.  It is a class III night sky because of Del Rio and Laughlin AFB that at thirty miles away still throw a bit of a light halo; but not enough to spoil it.  It is definitely hard to find a class I night sky in the US.     

I saw The Green Bubble

Long ago an article entitled “In Search of the Green Bubble” discussed the rarely sighted green in sunrise/sunset.  The bubble is visually present in every sunrise/set as the spectrum of light changes.  However, the green spectrum is usually overwhelmed by the oranges and the backdrop of blues.  Well after 40+ years I saw it tonight.

Cool petroglyphs

The main attraction here are the petroglyphs high on the canyon wall, especially a 9-foot-long red panther.  One can view this art by private boat; put in the Pecos river (it is shallow and rocky), come up the Rio Grande (against the current and nearly constant winds), and turn into Seminole canyon…14 miles round trip; or you can go by trail.  Given the navigational challenges we choose to hike.  We wind along on the edge at the top of the canyon with great views of the desert and the rugged cut below us.  The cool breeze offsets the heat of the blazing sun to make for a wonderful walk.  There has been a bit of rain and wild flowers peek out from sheltered soil.  Sparrows of all types join Phoebes, Meadow Larks and Pyrrhuloxia darting shrub to shrub against the desert wind.  We reach the official petroglyph overlook and are reminded that one sees only the tail of the panther from here.  We settled for that look last time we were here but today we take an informal trail another couple hundred feet along the canyon edge where we get a much better view of the cliff art.  We take in the view and relax in the quiet then head on around the bend following a cliff edge high above the Rio Grande with magnificent views of the broad river and the matching cliffs on the Mexico side. 

Oh please, no wall here. 

On an evening walk I encounter a jack rabbit.  He looks like he would trip over those long boney legs and ears look too sizes too large.  I have seen them run though and they are definitely built for speed.     

Moving day

235 miles in 5 hours including our first border inspection of many as we move along this southern route, US 90.  We are settling in at Seminole Canyon State Park near Comstock, TX.  It is a dark sky park and a dark electronics park (no cell service and only Mexican channel TV).  We are hoping it will be a good place to view the Super Blood Moon full lunar eclipse Sunday night.  Our eyes adjust as we take in the sounds and sights of the desert in the glow of the nearly full moon.    

One more day on the lake

Another 5 degrees or so warmer would be nice but it is just about perfect out on the lake.  We meander the shoreline then glide across the smooth wide pool up by the dam.  Canyon Lake is a beautiful body of water with lots of fingers to explore and nice access to the river.  The only downside, it is too developed.  Houses great and small and even greater line the shore and there are three large marinas housing hundreds of boats each.  It has been pretty quiet this past week but it must be a zoo here in the busy season when all those guys hit the water.  Thankfully the Corps of Engineers still manages a couple areas around ramps creating a few parklike oases among the development.  The fishing wasn’t great, it is a little too far from sights like San Antonio and New Braunfels, and we prefer more rustic lake settings.  We are glad to have explored it but it is not likely we will visit again.           

BBQ time

Blacks Barbeque founded in 1932 and made famous in Lockhart just opened a place in New Braunfels.  Tender, smoke infused brisket with a perfect crispy outer layer is magnificent and the beef sausage delicious.  This is certainly among the best dry smoke BBQ we have had.  The sauce is good but almost detracts from the smoker flavor.  The pintos, slaw, and pecan cobbler are all ok but nothing to write home about.  Yep, we would do it again and probably try the smoked turkey (and more brisket of course), the mac and cheese or black eyed peas, and maybe the peach cobbler.

Texas tourists

We catch a bit of state history at the old county court house and The Alamo where we happen to catch a pretty good history talk that provides a nice wrap up for our San Antonio time.

We play tourist today as we stroll the River Walk in San Antonio and weave through hundreds of vender stalls at the Market Square. We pretty much get the place to ourselves as crowds are small on this cool gray day.  That is ok by us.  It makes for a relaxing leisurely walk with time to watch the ducks on the channel and check out shop windows along the way.  The market is billed as “as close to Mexico” shopping as you will find in Texas.  I am not sure that prices reflect that; but I know I have not seen as many vividly colored, hand embroidered dresses and pottery anywhere else.  I have trouble passing up the bright hand-crafted flower halos and adorable Peruvian made sweaters with critters on them (so you, Willa) but manage to resist.  Midday munchies and a sweet tooth take us to Mi Tierra Café and Panaderia for some yummy pastries; a crunchy twisted elephant ear, dense pound cake with pecan caramel, a pecan praline and a not-so-Mexican blueberry scone.  We recommend the sweets but skip the coffee.  It is ok but definitely not worth $3.50 a cup.

Chilly and windy

White caps and temperatures in the 40s keep us off the lake today.  We are both nursing colds so we take the day to nap, watch a lot of football, and enjoy strolls around camp.  A pair of hooded mergansers and a ruby crowned kinglet add to the bird sightings on this little peninsula.   


It is a little cool but the sun is brilliant and the wind waves tolerable.  We are heading out onto the lake.  The campground host claims locals fish for bass along the river channel just out from camp.  We start there with night crawlers, nothing.  OK, we switch to trolling and head up the Guadalupe River.  It is a lovely trip with deer along the river banks and osprey above. An unusually pretty scavenger that is a south TX regular, a caracara, makes an appearance. Trolling isn’t very effective.  We (I) have one catch, a smallish large mouth.  Fishing isn’t the highlight of the day but time on the lake is wonderfully relaxing.             

Still not on the lake

It is cool and misting rain.  A couple breaks in the weather allowed for strolls around camp.  Kestrel, Osprey and loons plus those crazy Egyptian Geese have been the most interesting birds so far.  There are a few deer in the park too.  Mostly we stayed inside and worked on planning.  This darn federal government shutdown makes it difficult to visit our usual haunts.  We are having to find more state and local parks.  We need for them to wrap it up in the next week or we will miss out on Big Bend this time through.  It isn’t looking good.