The Catskills

We roll into Kenneth Wilson State Park. The campground is heavily treed and we are the only ones here. The quiet is amazing. I remember how much I miss that. The calls of cardinals, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, woodpeckers and chatter of squirrels punctuate the silence. I don’t even need to leave camp to watch them. A few mosquitos buzz and annoy, I haven’t missed that. The sky grows dark and we flip out the lights for the night. Oh yeah, this is what night is supposed to look like. It is so dark that I can’t see my hands in front of my face. I’m looking forward to our time here.

On the Road Again

It has been months since we parked the motorhome and embarked on a rehab project on a home built in 1884. I love old houses and this one was a good place to practice the “handyman” skills. We were able to do a few updates and a few restorations and bring this classic back to lIt has been months since we parked the motorhome and embarked on a rehab project on a home built in 1884. I love old houses and this one was a good place to practice the “handyman” skills. We were able to do a few updates and a few restorations and bring this classic back to life. It was time well spent and should allow this house to serve for many years to come.
It was a little bittersweet pulling out of the driveway today knowing it was for the last time since “closing” and the transfer of ownership are at hand. Time to move out of the way and get “Back on the Road”. A side benefit of this house renovation project was the location. It was within a short drive of the newest member of the Sayre clan.
Our granddaughter Willamina (Willa) Sayre was born June 2 and is doing well. Mike and Tracy seem to be enjoying the lack of sleep and the interrupted schedule that come with a newborn. Actually, Willa is very good and at 3 months is sleeping 8-10 hours at night. She even tolerates being held by Grandpa.
With assistance from one of Mike and Tracy’s neighbors we were able to spend 3 weeks visiting from just 2 floors away in the same building. Gave us a real chance to get acquainted. Our first stop on the road is just a few hours north of NYC. We can manage one more trip to see Willa before we get further away.
ife. It was time well spent and should allow this house to serve for many years to come.
It was a little bittersweet pulling out of the driveway today knowing it was for the last time since “closing” and the transfer of ownership are at hand. Time to move out of the way and get “Back on the Road”. A side benefit of this house renovation project was the location. It was within a short drive of the newest member of the Sayre clan.
Our granddaughter Willamina (Willa) Sayre was born June 2 and is doing well. Mike and Tracy seem to be enjoying the lack of sleep and the interrupted schedule that come with a newborn. Actually, Willa is very good and at 3 months is sleeping 8-10 hours at night. She even tolerates being held by Grandpa.
With assistance from one of Mike and Tracy’s neighbors we were able to spend 3 weeks visiting from just 2 floors away in the same building. Gave us a real chance to get acquainted. Our first stop on the road is just a few hours north of NYC. We can manage one more trip to see Willa before we get further away.

Flashback- city living

Thanks to some nifty living arrangements courtesy one of Mike and Tracy’s neighbors, we had over 3 weeks of city living. We pretty much got the hang of getting around on New York public transit (even NYC Ferry system) and the stuff of everyday living like shopping and strolling and finding great restaurants. Overall, we got comfortable enough to not be nervous getting around as we hit tourist high spots like MoMA, The Museum of Natural History, Central Park, The MET Cloisters, and The Brooklyn Bridge. We explored neighborhoods and parks and lesser known spots like the Museum of the Moving Image, Astoria Sculpture Park, the Nagochi Museum, The Creek and Cave Comedy Club, and the Bohemian Beer Garden and a cool rooftop garden in Astoria. We took in the theatre too, Kent and I went out for a lovely dinner, saw Wicked and topped off the night with pie at Applejack Diner. The performance was great fun with powerful vocals, fun dialog and a touch of sarcasm combining to entertain everyone.
Our kids helped us live the Vegan lifestyle while we were in town. In the spirit of “don’t knock it ‘til you actually try” it, we dove right into regularly cooking and eating a plant based diet. Tracy and Mike took the lead but we did help a bit. The meals were delicious and prep time together great fun. Kent and I aren’t quite willing to give up meat altogether but we did learn that veggies, nuts and grains in the hands of skilled cooks can combine with just the right spices to create tasty, good for you meals.

Flashback – Becoming Grandparents

Wow. This is amazing. I cradle Willa just hours old in my arms and the emotions explode. She is a new life, healthy and strong. God’s greatest miracle. She is an individual yet she is an extension of our son, Mike and her wonderful mom Tracy. Seeing their joy as they look at her is magnificent. My mind flashes to the images of our own children when they were brand new. Entire lives streak though my mind. This is a new beginning for you Willa and for Mom and Dad and Grandpa and Nana. Wow!

Spring has finally arrived in Connecticut

Crocus are nearly done. Daffodils fill the flowerbeds and emerge randomly around the yard.  With every stroll along the river the undergrowth is a little greener as buds pop, encouraged by the warming rays.  Red buds and tulip trees add their splash of color that seems to intensify by the hour.  The world smells green and earthy.  Robins and crows are searching out nesting sites and high in the sky flocks of shadow birds pass over on their journey to summering grounds. Their movement is a siren call to me, I am getting restless.

For today I’ll settle for some nearly perfect deck time with feet up and a cool drink.

New Haven bound

It is a bright beautiful morning and on its way to 70+ degrees. Carol, Kent and I head toward the shore for the day.  We ran a couple errands now we carve out a few hours to check out New Haven.  A stroll on the Green takes us past Center Church that is built over what is claimed as the oldest Colonial cemetery in the country and the Yale quad.  We have to check it out.  Magnificent brown stone castles ring courtyards some filled with blooming dogwood.  Carol even rubbed the lucky toe of the Woosely statue.  Then there is a reminder that this stately place is a campus; a gaudy bounce house in one corner and a cluster of “kids” slathering Vaseline on watermelons (we didn’t ask).

We stroll a farmers market on Wooster St. where artisan breads and cheeses are everywhere but we manage to resist since we are enroute to lunch is at Frank Pepe’s Pizzaria Napoletana.  We have to try the “famous Tomato Pie”.  The spinach & gorgonzola pie calls out to us as well….we will need a box.  The pies are definitely not classic pizza as we know it but they are delicious.

A stop at Fort Hale Park gives a chance to stroll along Long Island Sound and check out a beautiful fishing pier. There is lots of fishing happening but we don’t see any catching.  We spot one sailboat.

Heading home we just have to stop at Guida’s for some ice cream…peach, peanut butter pie and moose tracks make for a perfect ending to a great day.

Of course they did

The Bushnell in Hartford is filled with familiar tunes from movies and musicals delivered at the hands of the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra.  It seems like the performers enjoy the evening us much as the audience.  We even get to sing along.  There is a feeling that the performance is not quite complete when they close without playing Stars and Stripes.  Not so fast, there is an encore…Stars and Stripes; giant unfurling American flag and all.

Family Christmas

Brian and Johnna hosted the Sayre Family Christmas this year. Mike and Tracy joined Lynn and I for the trip to Houston.  We added a stop in Louisville on the way south.  Turns out 3500 miles in 5 days in the “Rudolf” Focus is a little more driving and riding than all preferred even with such good company.  But, given issues with weather and air travel it might still have been a good idea.  We enjoyed our time in Houston and the chance to see Brian and Johnna’s new home.

After Houston we spent a few days with Lynn’s family in PA before Mike and Tracy headed back to NY and Lynn and I to CT for some more remodeling at the historic Hale House(circa 1884).