Alligator River refuge plants grain for their various inhabitants and it seems that black bears really love new green wheat. We were intently watching the field-to-forest edges to catch a glimpse of the bear we had heard were out there. Then we rounded the corner and there he came. A huge black bear. He had to be a yard or more tall and weigh several hundred pounds. He was sort of shuffling, sort of waddling right down the road toward us (we were in the car by the way). He was pretty heavy and seemed to tire, he actually just plopped down to rest a few before continuing. We waited, broadside in the road. He detoured a little to give that strange green thing in the road some room. He splashed through a couple water filled ditches not really slowing down. Nothing deterred him from that huge waving field of green. He sat with a plop right at the edge of the field and proceeded to eat his fill. Marvelous to watch.