Awaiting new information signs and maps
It is time to work on a Kiosk. The information kiosk for the Bobcat Woods trail is in disrepair and was built with enclosed spaces. It has also become the home of a least bees, a snake and fire ants. After sharing a picture of one from Aransas, I was tasked with building of a similar model here with no enclosed spaces. Materials were specified and work started on 2/23 but was interrupted when the dumpster arrived for clean-up of boardwalk scrap. The boardwalk scrap is keeping a popular hiking attraction closed to visitors. The kiosk area was left safe for visitors, although it currently has no informative signs. Back at it on Monday March 1. Good progress and should finish with another full day. Dumpster is empty so, Kiosk will have to wait until Wednesday. Kiosk finished on Wednesday.