I am sure that given enough time I could muster my now-dormant engineering brain cells to write the thermo-dynamic equation to answer the pressing question of…
Just how cold is this water that I am splashing my feet around in?
I pulled off my sneakers and socks and stepped into the rushing water of the Illecillewaet River. If you have been reading closely, you will recall that is the name of the glacier we hiked to yesterday. So I needed to know, if it was that beautiful dense blue ice just 5 KM up those rocks, what temperature is it here as it flows by camp?
Well, really cold! Kent carries a little thermometer/compass thingy and it said 38F. His foot agreed, really cold.
The other pressing question (this is one for fluid mechanics I guess) is: exactly how long ago was this water ice? Ah, life is full of questions.