Well, the weather advisory was right. It is windy plus it is in the 50s. It would have been a terrible day on the river but we decide to brave it for a day out at Red Rock.

We get our first good look at the signature red rocks that are visible from the visitor center. The resident desert tortoises are all still holed up in their heated borrows so we head on out to explore. Up close we see that rock climbers dot the cliffs and we talk a short walk out to see petroglyphs, It is pretty but just too chilly to head out on any of the trails or even stay out for very long.
Dinner is at one of Kent and my favorites, A&W. It is not very sophisticated but you just can’t beat that frosted mug!
Weather has just not cooperated so no camp fire tonight…we compromise and close out the day with s’mores built with marshmallow toasted over the gas flame of the stove. That works.