The Florida Antique engine club

Hit-n-miss engines are powering all manner of device at a small show in StarkeFL.  We have been to similar shows around Indiana but there were some cool, unique machines here.  There was an early addition shopsmith, sort of.  It is a combination band saw, planer, joiner, and a shaper built in 1910.  It was all belt driven from an old hit-n-miss, single stroke Cushman engine. 






The same collector also had a snow fence making machine, circa 1920 that twisted the wire to capture the slats and automatically coiled the finished fence.  It was quite ingenious.  There were outboard motors back to 1910, a mechanically timed hay compactor/baler, a specialized saw for making shake shingles, and plenty of old tractors.  We got an invite to their big show that is a little further south in January.  Maybe we’ll try it?