It is our first whole day in the Park and John is here to gather us bright and early. We are heading out to explore the North Range and Lamar valley. Visitation at the park is low this time of year leaving us with opportunity to stop and dawdle and watch animals just living their lives. Terrain is amazing and the day exceeds all expectations for wild life viewing. There are bison everywhere. Herds of cows and calves along with bulls roaming solitary or in small groups are scattered throughout the valley. All are working hard to find their daily 30# of grass beneath the snow cover. Two big horn sheep go about their business munching on grass on a hill just off the road. Moose seem to fill the willow stands along the river.
Young males spar while cows quietly munch on willow twigs. Elk hang out along the route. Thanks John, for the spectacular morning.
A quick lunch then on to part two for today.
It is snow coach time. John pulls up in this huge, bright yellow, big wheeled coach. So cool. This will be our transportation for the next few days as we head for Old Faithful and the rest of the over-snow vehicle sections of the park. We load up and head out. The ride is bouncy but comfortable and the views marvelous.
A pair of coyotes cross the road and seem on a mission heading our same direction of travel. We stop at Nymph Lake just a bit down the road and wait for them to reappear. Sure enough, first one than the other emerge from the tree line, cross the road, and move toward the lake. They are methodically scouting the lakeshore appearing to test access to geese and ducks. There is still too much open water. They have no success and disappear into the far hillsides.
Everyone is set for exploration and we hit thermal features at the boardwalks of Norris Geyser Basin. Here too snow creates unique accents against the steam and colored bio mats. We dawdle at Steamboat Geyser, the tallest in the world, on the off chance today will be the day. It is not the time, but it is exciting to anticipate and imagine what it might be like. Time to head for Old Faithful Snow Lodge.
We check in to our new digs and unwind from the day. Dinner is bison burgers that are delicious. We catch a late-night eruption of Old Faithful then call It a night.