One, two, three…wow these stairs are steep. 63, 64…stop. Key 2 also opens the hatch just below the tower cabin. 65, 66, 67, whew. Good thing there is a pully system to get all our stuff up here.
Wow. 360 view of mountains. It is a bright, breezy afternoon and we can see for miles as we walk the platform that encircles the cabin. This is one great porch!
Key 1 lets us into the cabin. Check it out: two cots with mattresses (sort of saggy camp cots but, hey, cots), chairs, a couple little tables and still, that 360 view. The room is warmed by the afternoon sun. We find places for all our plunder than relax on the porch with the view. The unspoiled forestland encircling us calls us to explore so we make our way back to terra-firma and trek the Loop Road to stretch our legs
. Our walk passes by calm Seneca lake, more of a pond, but lovely. We head back to our high perch for the evening.