We are in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument and take to the trails. Five miles out the mostly dry creek
bed of Wahweap Creek is a collection of cool looking, odd shaped, gravity defying towers. Dakota Sandstone caps sit atop towers of Entrada Sandstone that the powers of wind and water have carved free from surrounding cliffs. Around the spires are mounds that resemble melted candles and recesses filled with intricate shapes and curtains created as waters recede and evaporate redepositing rock. At our feet in the flow channels of the creek-bed, the last vestiges of floodwaters have carved what looks like miniature versions of the canyon features all around us.
The trek is a bit of a challenge. Not only is it pretty long, 10+ miles round trip, but it is mostly on round rock and gravel strewn sand with unexpected gooey muddy spots. Oh, and it is very windy whipping stinging sand into our eyes and everywhere else. It is particularly bad on the way back out to the truck. I’m exhausted, Kent’s pretty tired too but it was a great hike. We grab a well-earned ice cream cone on the way home then crash for the rest of the day.