The trek up Paget Lookout trail is a bit of a challenge with an elevation change of 1,700 ft that brings us to a beautiful 6,928 ft. Early switchbacks make a steep cut through dense undergrowth so we do a bit of talking to the bears whenever we are not too winded to do so. It is a great walk we just take it slow enjoying patches of wildflowers that carpet every sunny clearing. Mountain goats make an appearance on the slopes across the valley. They are pretty far away but recognizable. This hike is really about the view from the top. The wide braided milky-blue Kicking Horse River winds it way down the long valley between steep treed slopes with snow-capped peaks towering above. It is impressive. Some anonymous soul built a bench using snow boards complete with a photo image of Emerald Lake Lodge. It is perfectly placed. We hang out at the top for an hour.

A side trail takes us to Sherbrooke Lake perched up a side valley cut by the Sherbrooke River. We cross plank bridges. Lush vegetation hugs the trail’s edge and encircles the glacial lake then gives way to talus slopes and finally bare rock peaks. A solitary loon floats, preening, silent, not too worried about visitors. We rest for a spell basking in the quiet. Both Sherbrooke and Emerald are beautiful lakes but something is lost when the crowds get too big. I prefer Sherbrooke by far even if it is (maybe because it is) harder to get to.