As part of our Holiday Celebration the whole clan went to the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular in Radio City Music Hall. Everyone enjoyed the show, for me the most precious part was watching Willa (nearly7 months old) enjoy the show. With good planning by Mom and Dad, she was able to view the entire show with wonder and amazement. She sat in Nana’s lap and watched and danced and swung her arms to the beat of the music. She was particularly engaged with the overhead light displays. Possibly “overstimulated” she was attentive to the whole production and grinning ear to ear throughout. And as always is the case, she made fans of the surrounding adults with her winning smile.

Afterward the evening continued as we braved the crowds and took in the iconic NYC attractions; the Rockefeller Tree, ice rink, and decorated storefronts. Willa joined in for the tree viewing then retreated with Mom and Dad for a much needed nap. We caught up with them at the restaurant, Hurley’s, and enjoyed a delicious dinner and great company.