The Royal Albatross Center

Taiaroa Head near Dunedin NZ is one of just two nesting sites and the only one on mainland for the Northern Royal Albatross. This colony includes sixty some pair, half of which nest any given year. Five nests are visible from the viewing blind. We get a peek at one of the chicks. Non-breeding teenagers are enjoying the strong winds as they soar around us to within 30 feet (we are behind tinted glass). They are magnificent with their stark white/black coloring and 9 foot wingspan. This bird spends 80% of its life at sea. It is remarkable to see them so close. We spot a number of other birds new to us. Check in later for identification, maybe.
Portabella Road out to the center hugs the bays then climbs steeply to the headlands. Great views for the rider, a bit white knuckle for the driver who is still concentrating more than usual just to stay on the correct side of the road!

Night three our home is the Dunedin Holiday Park; a collection of theme decorated mini cabins and patches of soft green grass for tenters and we non-powered campervan folks. It is rainy but the trusty back hatch provides plenty of shelter for fixing supper. We have a cozy quiet night.

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