There he is!

It is windy and a little chilly. We, and some thirty or so others, lean on a split rail fence high above the surf gazing down to the beach and out into the waves. We are on the lookout for the rare, endangered yellow-eyed penguin. We move slowly and whisper so as not to alarm the illusive creature and survey with binoculars and telephoto lens. Our only reward so far, a half dozen seals scattered along the beach looking much like the logs and seaweed that surround them. It is after 7PM, still nothing. Then there he is. One lone penguin rides the surf to shore. Short waddling walks interspersed with rest breaks bring him up the beach where he disappears into the brush. Just one but still amazing. I’d do this again.
Our first Freedom Camping (boondocking) experience was to have been out here at Bushy Beach. No such luck. “Sites” are washed out side spots on an already narrow curly road. We head back into town, Oamaru, and opt for a quiet lot in town; not nearly as picturesque but its late and we are tired. We will find picturesque tomorrow.

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